
Writers are often asked why do you write, what drives you to want to put words in print? Why does Tyra Masters-Heinrichs write? Her answer: to entertain.

“I want people to not just read my stories but fall in love with my characters, get swept up in their lives. I want readers to be transported into other possibilities. When a reader puts one of my stories down I want them to remember it like an old friend.”



The last time I uploaded a blog to my site was four years ago, on August 17th, of 2014. It’s amazing how much has changed, and what’s stayed the same. I’m still reading articles on publishing, though far less. I’m still doing the majority of my reading on paper. Most of the time I remember to keep my cell phone charged, though I still forget it in the car more often than not.

Books and Short Stories

Being a genre writer is something Tyra is proud of. She works hard studying her craft, trying to improve so that those who pick up her work will know they are getting value for their time. Nothing bugs her more than writers too caught up in being ‘writers’ that they forget that without readers, what’s written is irrelevant.