I’m Back

The last time I uploaded a blog to my site was four years ago, on August 17th, of 2014. It’s amazing how much has changed, and what’s stayed the same. I’m still reading articles on publishing, though far less. I’m still doing the majority of my reading on paper. Most of the time I remember to keep my cell phone charged, though I still forget it in the car more often than not (so there has been some progress, lol).
Though it was not my intent to drop out of the social media world, and I am still, once a month, or even once a week, Tweeting, and/or posting to Facebook. I have clearly let my website (an investment of finances and time) lapse.
Life happens. Like The Wheel card in the Tarot deck warns us, we don’t know what is coming to meet us, nor what we might turn and meet. Such things are out of our control. Be they good or bad.
If you study Tarot, the Wheel card has two messages. The first, that we are not in control of the greater world, which is usually obvious from the picture depicted on the card. The second, is hard for some to understand. The card states that how we deal with such unknowns, determines their outcomes, whether positive or negative. Each shapes us, changes us. We are all in the process of becoming.
Just under four years ago my mother died. Her illness, the treatment she received, both good and bad, and her death broke me in ways I didn’t understand a person could be broken.
Things have changed. My partner really stepped up. Friends did not abandon me. Others left my sphere for their own reasons. Some have even come back.
I am not who I was before. I will continue to make my mother proud. Some habits that helped me deal, now must be shed, others strengthened. Like each of you, I continue to become.
We’re all still here. Each of us are the legacy of those who have come before, who have touched our lives, influenced us, or even affected those that raised us, for bad or good.
Keep reading, learning, having fun, laughing, loving and crying. Each day is precious, live now. Stop looking down at your phone or seeing life through a camera. Each positive moment is a pearl we need to keep on a scrap of black velvet, tucked into our memory. I feel that the dark cloth is composed of our sorrows, without which, the pearls would not be as beautiful, nor as precious.
The Wheel turns, we are all becoming.


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